Devialet Care - Mania
5 év garancia és biztosítás a Phantom II-re
Csak új készülék vásárlásakor, a forgalmazónál köthető:
Protect your investment
A Devialet Care segítségével Devialet Mania hordozható hangszóróját további 3 év garancia védi. A Devialet Care egy dematerializált szolgáltatás, a vásárlás után az aktiváló kódot postafiókjába küldjük.
Ne feledje, hogy a Devialet Mania Opéra de Paris kiadás csomagja már tartalmaz egy Devialet Mania Stationt.
Activate your Devialet Care

Activate your Devialet Care
Activate your Devialet care to benefit from our extended insurance policy that covers up an accidental damage.
Do I have to purchase Devialet Care at the same time as my product?
You have up to 30 days to subscribe to Devialet Care from the moment you purchase your Devialet product.
Why sign up for Devialet Care?
By signing up for Devialet Care, you will extend your manufacturer warranty for up to 5 years and get absolute peace of mind for yourself and your product.
How do I activate my Devialet Care?
Devialet Care is entirely digital and easy to use, once you have received your code, go to your account to activate the service. With a few clicks, you are protected.
Is Devialet Care available everywhere in the world?
Please refer to the country list in the below left corner of the website. All countries listed there, except China, are eligible for Devialet Care.